The green man - reborn

Network, an art work exploring connections and isolation

A video describing the thoughts and feelings behind Network by Lucy and Roy Hughes.

This and other art in this series is discussed here,
And is shown in more detail can be purchased here,

#bead #beadweaving #Cumbria #Hygge #miyuki #art


  1. I've also thought a lot about connections, especially as we are going into a long winter of no physical connections. Some of my virtual connections have deepened, and hand-written letters are being exchanged. In a half dozen years before I never felt the urge to exchange hand-written letters and that is a difference. PS there seems no way to sign up to be emailed about new posts...

    1. Yes. I am a social artist, or I certainly reflect on things bigger than me, my latest reflections are on time although the content is gestation. We did A lot of work on Networking, how we connect, what are true connections and social dissonance. The latter is about truth and facts. Crafts people and artists* (*to a lesser extent) statistically tend to be more honest in what they read and what they post. There is less of a mismatch between their reading and their shares. This was established from very large scale data, almost big data, undertaken before the current pandemic, gathered on Facebook from click tracing. I am not sure how it works now. But I think digital comms has thrown into sharp relief all the things it does well and all the things it does badly. With a letter you can reflect craft and even add little doodles. Its all about what you value too. Good point about email. An oversight. Blogger got a 'major improvement' from Google this summer (ie they have oversimplified it to make it look nice but loose some functionality). So what you are reading is me rescuing the site and getting operational. TBH its never been the same since Google Plus was removed, this used to get lots of readers now we have had to try to rebuild from Facebook. Sigh.


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